Limited Edition Portfolio | The Birthday Club | Six Yale Women Photographers
Since meeting at the Yale MFA program in the late 1980s, we - Marion Belanger, Mary Berridge, Ann Burke Daly, Laura Letinsky, Tanya Marcuse, and Jennette Williams (1952-2017) - have been meeting to discuss work in progress and to celebrate milestones. By 1995, a tradition arose of giving photographs from current work to celebrate five-year birthdays. This tradition and our ongoing dialogue have sustained us as artists and friends over thirty years, creating a visual record of our bond and our story. The photographs we exchanged trace the arc both of each artist’s work and of the medium’s evolution in the past thirty years, during which photography rose to a dominant position in the art world, shifting from analogue to digital, from a basis in fact to assumed fictionality, and from object to Instagram.
The Birthday Club portfolio was published in 2019 in a limited edition of 6. Each 16 x 20” photograph was printed and signed by the artist in 2019, with the exception of Jennette William’s image, which was printed by The Birthday Club. The museum quality box was produced by Culpeck & Clark, Ltd. See the photographs in the gallery below..
For more info and additional photographs: